热量表 heat meter
采暖 heating
供热单位 heating unit
用热人 heat user
计费面积 counted floor area
千瓦时 kwh
吉焦 GJ
兆焦 MJ
实际耗热量 actual heat consumption
采暖季 heating period / season
供热办公室 Heat Supplying Office
物价局 Price Bureau
调价 price adjustment
财务专用章 dedicated financial seal
复核 rechecking
异议 dissension
结算书面通知 written notice of settlement
多退少补 refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency
耗热量定额 heat consumption quota
技术监督检测部门 technical supervision and detection unit
检定费 calibration cost
热能产品 thermal energy products
24小时投诉受理机构 around-the-clock service department
平均耗热量指标 average indicator for heat consumption
小区 community
充水 water filling
所有权证 ownership certificate
购房合同 house purchasing contract
承担一切责任 assume all the responsibilities
书面同意 written permission
停热基本费 basic fees for stop heating
供热建筑面积 heated floor area
现行面积热价 current area-based heat price
未供热天数 actual unheated days
滞纳金 overdue fine
拆改采暖设施 refitment of heating facilities
人为损坏 man-made sabotage
免责条款 exemption clause
停止供热 non-provided heating service
争议的解决 dispute settlement
调解 intercession
供热行政管理部门 heat supplying administrative department
仲裁委员会 arbitration commission
能源紧缺 energy deficiency
试点工作 pilot project
报销 imbursement by expense account
温控阀 temperature control valve
切断阀 cut-off valve
文件修改大纲(TOR)terms of reference
一次管网系统 primary water system
换热站 heat exchanging station
散热器 heat radiator 
物业管理 property management
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